Generative Technologies

The Generative Technologies network reaches all parts of the globe, blending visionary thinkers from emerging companies; those from the sciences, arts, business, and academia; and a community of practice engaged in innovating and transferring tools for generative capacity including Generative Leadership & Generative Coaching .

Generative Technologies Corporation manages unique technology and expertise in the area of enabling individuals and organisations to fundamentally shift their paradigm for results in an integral and evolutionary way. These processes expand the capacity of key individuals that lead and manage an enterprise to a new context for results.

Those that wish to reinvent their existence and produce a quantum leap in results for themselves, their business, their communities and humanity as a whole must develop the capacities of generative performance. Through a fundamental shift in thinking, doing and being that expands beyond the results to which they are committed, through the application of core disciplines and practices in leadership, communication and participating and through challenging the persistent habits of established assessments a new world of possibilities is available.

Generative Technologies Corporation provides a proprietary platform for those that lead projects and enterprises to create breakthroughs in crucial areas of integral performance, satisfaction and results of an enterprise. Over 20 years we have developed an approach which enables individuals and organisations to identify limitations, take generative shifts in results, and build communities of powerful communication and responsibility.

Generative Technologies Corporation purpose is to initiate and foster a new breed of innovations, organisations and projects that contribute to new heights of performance and satisfaction. Particularly in areas which are of crucial concern for human beings today. Our focus is on enhancing the authentic experience of human beings individually or as a collective to participate fully with their own potential. We foster organisations and projects around the world which use new ways of thinking and new paradigms of business to accelerate the growth of consciousness and fulfilling human connection on every level.

Generative Technologies Corporation partners with entrepreneurs and organisations around the globe to encourage innovation and practice of accelerator technologies. We look for entrepreneurs that have already developed some key foundations and have the required competencies to see a project to successful completion. As part of this program we provide access to Generative Technologies Corporation expertise, existing technologies, partners and global networks.


Generative Technologies Corporation also offers programs to support entrepreneurs and start-up projects.

  • Generative Leadership Development
  • Generative Coaching & Coach Training
  • Research Projects
  • Community Development
  • Organisational Reinvention
  • Futuring, foresight & Strategy Briefs